Inspection Reports

Al Ameen Primary School is a member of the Independent Schools Association and is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Our last inspection was carried out by ISI in December 2022. This was a Regulatory Compliance Inspection (RCI), which was one of the types of inspection carried out by ISI. Such inspections are normally carried out over a period of 2 – 3 days and assess whether a school is meeting the Independent School Standards as part of it’s continued registration as an independent school. The ISI inspection framework changed in 2023.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding. Caring for everyone is embedded in the pupils’ attitudes to one another. This reflects the school’s Islamic ethos.

Ofsted Report2017

Alhamdulillah, through the grace of Allah and the hard work put in by staff, pupils and parents, we were found to continue meeting all of the independent school standards. 

The RCI report is very factual and doesn’t capture any of the comments by inspectors. Alhamdulillah, inspectors were very pleased with the school and expressed this verbally to school leaders. 

However, we have included below some of the comments from our last Ofsted inspection report which gives a small insight into our school. 

Links for all our latest inspection reports are provided below

  • The school has invested heavily in training. If staff need extra support, then additional training and guidance is provided by experienced and well-qualified managers. Consequently, leaders ensure that staff are well trained and know what is expected of them. This approach helps to make sure that pupils at every stage continue to make progress in their learning.

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • Safeguarding has a high profile in the school and among governors. This is clearly reflected in policies, training records and the induction arrangements for new staff. It is also a standing item on all meeting agendas. In these ways, leaders make sure pupils continue to be kept safe while at school.

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • The relationships between staff and pupils are lovely. Staff model expected behaviour in a calm, caring and purposeful way. Pupils respond well. The pupils showed enthusiasm for learning even when struggling with an idea.

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • School leaders are dedicated professionals who care deeply about their pupils, their well-being and their learning. There is a clear desire that pupils should get a goodquality education.

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • Leaders are constantly striving to improve outcomes for pupils in a safe and caring school environment. There is a strong sense of community and family that reflects the school’s caring ethos 

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • Leaders are committed to developing a strong team of teachers and support staff. They invest extensively in training and support and use internal and external resources to build capacity.

    Ofsted inspection report
    January 2020
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural teaching is strong. As a result, pupils’ understanding of the world is well developed. They are able to reflect on relationships with people who have different perceptions and beliefs.

    Ofsted inspection report
    November 2017
  • Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding. Caring for everyone is embedded in the pupils’ attitudes to one another. This reflects the school’s Islamic ethos.

    Ofsted inspection report
    November 2017
  • Parents are most appreciative of the school because of the progress their children make and because the children feel safe and happy. They emphasised the importance to them of the religious ethos of the school. Each morning begins in the playground with morning prayers that parents observe, as the pupils stand in their lines to prepare for the day.

    Ofsted inspection report
    November 2017
  • The pupils benefit from a strong programme of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through personal, social, health and economic education, citizenship lessons and lessons in Islamic studies.

    Ofsted inspection report
    November 2017