Make an appointment for a

School Tour

School Tours

Are you curious about life at Al Ameen Primary School? We invite you to join us for a personalised school tour! Our tours provide prospective students and families with an opportunity to experience the vibrant and supportive atmosphere that makes our school unique.

What to expect on you tour

Get a firsthand look at our facilities, including:

  • Classrooms 
  • Library 
  • Play areas

Meet the head teacher or a member of the senior leadership team

You will get an understanding of the history of the school and some of the values that are important to us as a school. 

Academic Excellence

Learn about our learning and teaching methods and why our children do well at school.

Our School Culture

Experience the warm, inclusive community that defines Al Ameen Primary School. Whether it’s in the classroom or in the playground, we take pride in nurturing every child’s growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the tour take?

We are a relatively small school and the tour is expected to take anything between 20 minutes to half an hour. This will include a discussion with the head teacher or a member of the senior leadershio team.

Is there any parking nearby?

There are parking restrictions on Warwick Road however, there is normally parking available on the side road, Boscombe Road. 

Can I leave my bags or luggage at meeting point?

We ask visitors to keep their belongings with them at all times however, we can keep items for you in the school office if needed.

Will the tour be cancelled due to weather?

It is very unlikely that a visit will be cancelled due to poor weather. However, as a small school, our staff carry out multiple roles so there may be a slight delay when you attend. 

School Tour Time

School tours will normally take place during school hours. We will try to avoic lunch break times so that you can have an accurate view of what learning is like in our school. 

To book in a tour, please use the following contact methods:

Phone: 0121 706 3322

Make an appointment

You may use this form below to request an appointment. Please select a date convenient for yourself and a time period. In the ‘Special Request’ box, you may put in a specific time if that suits you better. 

Please note that tour appointments are not confirmed unless you receive an email from us or a call informing you that your appointment has been booked.