Our Ethos

Our Ethos

“Indeed for you in the Messenger of Allah is an excellent example” (Surah Al Ahzaab)

Our Aims

At Al Ameen Primary School, we are committed to providing a high standard of education in the delivery of the curriculum. In doing so, we aim to:

  • Promote equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff
  • Promote and maintain a healthy physical and emotional lifestyle
  • Learn to understand, respect and value our own and others’ way of life
  • Ensure everyone has equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects their individual needs and equips them for the future
  • To create a stimulating and attractive learning environment where children feel happy, safe, secure and respected
  • To ensure through careful planning and assessment, that each child receives a curriculum which enables them to achieve their potential
  • To help pupils develop a caring attitude towards other people, a sense of responsibility and respect for the wider community
  • Display high standards of good manners and politeness at all times
  • Promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of children, including an understanding and appreciation of the various communities who make up our society.
  • Enable all pupils to achieve their full potential as independent life-long learners

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop confident well-mannered children who use their full potential and achieve their best. Children at our school will acquire the skills and knowledge required for them to live in modern Britain. Subsequently, they will become courteous, law abiding, proud and active citizens of a harmonious multi cultured society, drawing guidance from the Quran and the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Our Ethos

 To develop the whole personality of pupils with Islam as a prime focus of their lives, taking guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad e. Furthermore, we aim:
  • To encourage the pursuit and acquisition of general knowledge and skills.
  • To promote the dignity of each young person through self-respect, respect for peers and through the development of personal responsibility.
  • To help young people understand the challenges of the world in which they live and that their own well-being is closely connected to the well-being of others.
  • To ensure that young people enjoy their life at school and develop a love of learning and a strong desire to continue their education as a lifelong experience.