Children absolutely love coming to school. Don’t just take our word for it. Just walking around school, you’ll be able to experience the happiness and joy children feel at school.
School starts at 8.30am and finishes at 3.00pm. The school gates open at 8:15am and children begin to line up at 8:20am. Walking into school, children are welcomed with morning prayers, which they will also recite once they arrive in class.
The morning sessions are an extremely part of the school day and set the scene for the days activities . All children who miss the registration period have to be marked ‘late’ and any child arriving after 9.00am (without a valid reason) will be marked as ‘absent without authorisation’.
Most of our parents bring their children to school in cars. We encourage parents however, to walk to school with their children. As children come to us from all over the city, we ask you to check with the local bus service or train service to see what public transport options are available to you.
The school is situated on a busy road and we ask you to be extremely careful when driving or parking near the school. We highly encourage parents to park on a side road and walk to the school with their child.
Unfortunately, we do not have onsite parking facilities
The relationships between staff and pupils are lovely. Staff model expected behaviour in a calm, caring and purposeful way. Pupils respond well. The pupils showed enthusiasm for learning even when struggling with an idea. (last Ofsted inspection)
We have staggered lunch breaks. Early years will have their lunch break first, followed by years 1, 2 and 3. Years 4, 5 and 6 will have their lunch break last. Children bring in a packed lunch although there is an option for children to have warm food brought in by an external caterer (at an added cost).
Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding. Caring for everyone is embedded in the pupils’ attitudes to one another. This reflects the school’s Islamic ethos.